PMI Entertainment Group

PMI Entertainment Group is a local, Green Bay, Wisconsin company. We provide comprehensive venue, sports and entertainment management services for the venues listed below.

We are a private, non-stock corporation led by a board of directors made up of community leaders. We have no owner. That means any profits we make are put back into the venues we manage or into the communities of Northeastern Wisconsin. Our company exists to enhance the entertainment offering and economic growth of the venues we manage and the community we live in.

What makes our company unique is the fact we pay Brown County to manage the Resch Center and pay for all operating costs, including insurance, utilities and routine maintenance. The money we pay to the county goes into a fund for future improvements. The taxpayers of Brown County do not fund any aspects of the day to day operations. In this industry, it is normal for the management company to be paid a fee to manage a facility and for the county or municipality to pay for operating costs. In our case, we take the risk to bring entertainment to Northeastern Wisconsin.

We produce many of our own events and get creative with our businesses to fulfill our financial commitment to Brown County. We do this by being entrepreneurial in all aspects of producing, operating and delivering events to the buildings we manage.

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